Book Title: Satapatha Bramhana Part 03
Author(s): Julius Eggeling
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 2303
________________ 526 SATAPATHA-BRAHMANA. si 40; pap to Brihaspati, 59; is Purohita of gods, 59; V, 258; white-backed bullock his fee, III, 59; his the smaller and broken rice-grains, 67; (i is Varuna, 68); pap of wild rice to Brihaspati Vak, 70; pârthaoblation to Brihaspati, 82; IV, 228; assists Varuna, III, 113; samsrip-oblation (pap), 116; pañkabila (pap) on centre of Vedi, 120, 121; white-backed bullock fee to Brahman for Brihaspati's oblation, 132; pra- yügâm havis (pap), 125; Savitri and Brihaspati connected with the regions and the katushroma, IV, 69; ruler of tame animals, 74; protector of upper region, 103; connected with Visve Devâb, trinava and trayastrimsastomas, &c., 102, 103; as Brahman assists Indra Apratiratha in fighting the Asuras, 192; takes Sri's holy lustre and receives (mitravinda) pap, V, 6265; the eighth of the ten deities (all the gods') receiving oblations of drops, 281; offering of barren cows, 402, 401; Brihaspati, with the Visve Devâb, receives offering of Gharma, 480 ; is the wind, 480. Brihaspati-sava, III, introd. xxiv, Xxv, 4; the same as Vågapeya, 34. Brihati, metre,--the fire-altar be comes like it, III, 219; is the year, 310; consists of thirtysix syllables, 318; in the form of it oxen were produced, IV, 38; is the air, 53; a thousand brihatis, 11; is the mind (of Pragâpati), 327, 328; 12,000 make up the whole Rik, 352; twenty-one brihatîs, as the measure of the universe, 384- 387; the katurmâsya formu- las amount to 362 brihatis, and hence to the year and Mahavrata, V, 78; by it the gods reached heaven, 156, 172; the Tâpaskita-sattra amountsthereto, 172; cattle related thereto, 221; the pressing-stones are of brihatî nature, 343. bribat-saman, III, introd. xv, avi, xx-xxiii; connected with Indra, XV; with Kshatra, &c., 91 ; produced from palladasa-stoma, IV, 7; (brihak kbandas) is heaven, 19; connected with Indra, the Rudras, the south, &c., 10r; sung over completed fire-altar, is the sky, 179. brihat-stotra, Vâgapeya-saman, III, II. Budila Asvatarà svi Vaiyaghrapadya, a teacher, IV, 393. bull, liberated as fee for Agni-Soma cake, III, 45; fee for Indragni cake, 46; dark-grey, fee for Pushan's trishamyukta, 56; brown, for Soma's, 56 ; is the Prag å pati of cows, 58; belongs to Indra, 60; spotted, 61; fee for oblation to Maruts, 61; sacrificial animal, 162, 165 seq.; slaughtered for Indra, 162; eight-hoofed, 177; (uksban) is vigour, produced in the form of the Kakubh, IV, 38; two-yearold (dityavab) produced in the form of the Virág, 39; other ages of other metres, 39; originates from Indra's mouth, V, 215; has an excrescence (hump), 276. burial-place (smasâna), V, 431 seq.; four-cornered, 423; is made round by people of Asura nature, the Easterns and others, 423, 424; the site for it, 424 seq.; size, 428, 435; ploughing of site, 431. calf, year and a half old, is vigour, produced in the form of the trishtubb, IV, 39; white calf of black cow, 200, carpenter, his house is the resting place of the sacrificial horse and its keepers, V, 360. cart. See chariot. castes, four, do not vomit Soma, III, 131. cattle, belong to Pashan, III, 55; (Rudra, 53); are purisha, 301; represented by the kbandasya (metre-) bricks, IV, 36; thrive when it rains, 36; become metres, 36; Pragapati, in the shape of Gayatri, overtakes the Digitized by Google


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