103 vārttikas included as sūtras, added and deleted words in ganas and added and deleted unādi suffixes. Thus it is a good contribution to the study of SKĀ. However, it must be noted that except in a few cases, no attempt has been made to correct the corrupted sūtras of SKĀ. Comparison of the two grammars has been done only for the selected sūtras and not for all the sūtras of Pānini. Moreover, in case of many sūtras of Panini which contain the accent part also, such as caturanaduhorāmudāttah (P VII.1.98), he has given the parallel sūtras from SKĀ only for the morphological part, completely neglecting the accent part of SKĀ. For P.VII.1.98, the parallel sūtra in SKĀ is hiyāsāmah (VIII. 3. 11), as mentioned earlier. At p. 323, he says "SKĀ has sāyam-ciram-prāhnepragevyayebhyas-tyuh (4. 3. 109) as against sāyam-ciram-prāhne-prage'vyayebhyastyu-tyulau tut ca (4. 3. 23) of Ast. Bhoja following CG omits the affix tyul." He does not look in SKĀ for the svara-siddhi of the affix tyu corresponding to Pāṇini's tyul. In SKĀ, it will suffice to provide an optional litsvara to tyu. This gives us a clue for correcting the highly corrupted sutra radyau vā [?] 8.3.71 in the Madras edition of SKĀ. It must be tyau vă. The Gujarati edition gives rathorvā (8. 3. 74), which is obviously not correct.
Many conclusions indicated in the thesis are wrong. For example, at p. 39, Dr. Neelakantham says, "sașthi sthāne yogā (1. 1. 49) of P. is not found in SKĀ.... Bhoja does not seek the help of this sūtra and only implies this rule in the sūtra like iko yanaci (6.1.77)". Actually based on the Bhāsya on P.1.1.49, Bhoja has accepted the second alternative to this sūtra, viz. nirdiśyamānasyādeśāh (1.2.38) where șasthyā comes as anuvịtti from the sūtra I. 2. 30. On p. 661 he says that 'the P. VIII. 4. 66-68 are not found in SKĀ'. But actually corresponding to P. VIII. 4. 66-67, we have the Bhoja sūtras udāttadanudāttah and udāttasvaritaparaśca va yanah (VIII. 4. 229-230). The latter sūtra is wrongly printed in the Madras edition. In the Ms also yanah has been wrongly included in sūtra no. 230. Actually it forms part of the next sūtra which is supposed to be parallel to P. VIII. 2. 4. At p. 149, he says that 'the anudāttau sup-pitau (P. III. 1. 3) is not found in SKĀ'. This topic has been discussed in detail in the Februry 1999 issue of Vedavānī by the present author.
10. Ph. D. Thesis on SKĀ by V. G. Šāstrī (1989)
A Ph. D. thesis entitled 'Bhojadevaksta Sarasvatīkanthābharaṇa (Ek Samīksātmak Adhyayan)' by V. G. Šāstri was submitted to Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, in 1989. It has been published by Parimal Publications, Delhi, 1996.
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