Jain Bibliography
L. RENOU. Grammaire sanscrite. Paris, 1930; second edition 1961. X-570-20 p. Passim : Pecularities of Jaina Sanskrit (mainly following Bloomfield's and Hertel's studies and editions of Jaina natrative texts).
25 L. RENOU. Histoire de la langue sapscrite. -Lyon, 1956 (Coll. "Les langues du monde"). 248 p.
Chap. 5. Buddhist and Jaina Sanskrit. P.222-229. Jaina Sanskrit (with some samples of texts).
26 C. CAILLAT. La langue primitive du bouddhisme. (Die Sprache der ältesten buddhistischen Überlieferung. The Language of the Earliest Buddhist Tradition. Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung, II). Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse. Drittee Folge. 'Nr. 17. -Göttingen, 1980. P.43-60.
Various references to and comparisons with Ardhamagadhi (suffixes, "haplology of desinence", ete.).
P.57-60. English summary. • See also No. 5 (Languages; Palaeography). Points of Grammar and Lexicography :
27 C. CIALLAT. Deux études de moyen-indien. (JA 248, 1960,p.41-64). :- Paris, 1960. I. A propos de pāli phäsu-vihara-, ardhamāgadhi pha suya-esanijja-. Ana
lysis of some old Pali and Ardhamagadhi formulas. Phāsu(ya) is derived from the root SPRS- "to touch”, with suffix -u- (of active-transitive value). Original meaning: that "which makes (one) attain” (the goal); hence the semantic evolution, Pa. "easy, comfortable", Amg. "pure, without living beings" (of alms).
See also No. 28. II. Sur l'origine de gona (sic): Masculine back-formation from goni (ni, -ni, suffix denoting feminine beings) : mrgi mrga=goni X.
. 28 C. CAILLAT. Nyuvelles rem irques sur les adjectifs moyen-indiens phású, phâsuya (JA 219, 1961, p.497-502). - Paris, 1961.
Addenda to No. 27 (1).
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