Colette Caillet and Nalini Balbir
38 C.GAILLAT. Les expiatations dans le rituel ancien dos religioux Jaina. Paris, 1965 (Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation indienne, 25).
Study of the prayaścittas according to the Chedas atras (Kappa-, Vavahāra-, Nissha-sutta) and the commentaries of the Vavahära-sutta. See also No. 38 bis.
38 bis C. CAILLAT. Atonements in the Ancient Ritual of the Jaina Monks.Ahmedabad, 1973. (L.D. Series, 49). 13+ 209 p.
Trpslation into English, with additions and corrections of the preceding book. 1975 ed. 1965 ed. 235-9
Table of contents P.11-13 7-8
Foreword P.1-22 9-31
Introduction. I. General remarks;
II. The texts. P.23-65 33-82
Part I. Organisation of the monastic life. The subdivisions of the monastic Community. The Jaina religious; their titles. The hierarchy The teachers
The change of gaña 67-185 83-212 Part 2. The atonements.
Chap. I. General principles Chap. II. Dispensations. Exceptions to the
second and fourth “great vows". Chap. III. The atonements.
The atonements and mortification. - Theoretical problems. - The offences. - Transgressions and merits. - Freedom and responsibility. - Complementary observance: the "service" (veyāvacca: vaiyavrtya). Chap. IV. First atonement : Confession (alo
yaņā; alocana). Chap. V. Second atonement : Repentance
(padikkamaņa; pratikramana).
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