Jain Bibliography
13d. 1975. Vol. 15 Entry : Tamoules (Langue et littérature): by F. GROS
P.722b. Early Jaina kāvyas;
Jaina contribution to grammar and lexi
cography. 15e. 1975. Vol. 20 Entry : Tirthamkara : P.1926c-1927a.
16 A. L. BASHAM. La civilisation de l'Inde ancienne. Traduit de l'anglais par C. CARME et alii. - Paris, 1976 (Coll. Les grandes civilisations, 15). Translation into French of A. L. BASHAM, The Glory that was India, ed. 1967, with additions and adaptations. Chap. VI. Religions.
P.278–284. Jainism and other heterodox sects (general survey of Jainism).
17 F. GROS. Littératures dravidiennes, in Encyclopédie de la Pléiade. Histoire des littératures. 1, p.948-1025. - Paris, 1977. P.991-1002. Kannada literature.
P.993-994. Biographies of Jaina "Great Men" : Gunavarma's Nemināthapurāņa and Sūdraka; Pampa's Ādipurāņa; Ranna's Ajitapurāņa; Ponna's śāntipurāņa; Cāvuņdarāya's Trişaștilakṣaṇa mahāpurāņa; Vaļdā. tādhane : nineteen biographies.
P. 995. Jaina poetry, among which the Sukumāra carite.
P. 996-997. Works by the Jaina poetess Kanti and Nāgacandra; Brahma śiva’s Samayaparik şe; Nemiccandra's Némināthapurāņa; Janna's Anantanātha purāņa; Nayasena's Dharmāmsta;
Salva's Jain version of the Mahābharata (15th century); Vaibhava's poem (1557) about Bharata's fight against Bahubali.
18 C. CAILLAT. Lo jinisme, in Encyclopoche Larousse, Le monde indien, religions et civilisations. -Paris, 1979.
P.43-48. Notice on Jainism.
19 F. R. HOERNLE. Origine et premiers développements du Jainisme. Trad. de l'anglais par A. GUERINOr.(Muséon, Nouvelle série, VII, p, 109-134).
Louvain, 1906. Sambodhi Vol. X(2)
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