जीवस्थान जीव नहीं है
Or else, if you maintain that the colour etc. of worldly beings are indistinguishable from the attributes of the souls, then these souls will be assumed to be endowed with physical form. In this way, O deluded person, a soul endowed with physical form will be made up of physical matter and then, not only in its worldly existence but also in its emancipated state, physical matter will acquire the status of a jīva.
ऍक्कं च दण्णि तिण्णि य चत्तारि य पंचइंदिया जीवा । वादरपज्जत्तिदरा पयडीओ णामकम्मस्स ॥
एदाहि य णिव्वत्ता जीवट्टाणा दु करणभूदाहिं । पयडीहिं पग्गलमइहि ताहि किह भण्णदे जीवो॥ (2-28-66)
एकेन्द्रिय, दोइन्द्रिय, तीनइन्द्रिय, चारइन्द्रिय, पंचेन्द्रिय, वादर, पर्याप्त और इनसे इतर सूक्ष्म और अपर्याप्त जीव ये नामकर्म की प्रकृतियाँ हैं। इन करणभूत प्रकृतियों से, जो पौद्गलिक हैं उनमें तो जीवस्थान रचे गये हैं। तब वे जीव किस प्रकार कहे जा सकते हैं?
Living beings with one, two, three, four, and five senses, gross and fully developed, and their opposite, subtle and undeveloped, are classes based on their physique-making karma (nāma karma). The classes of living beings (jīvasthāna) are the result of physique-making karma (nama karma) and since the causal conditions are physical in nature, how can these be identified with the nature of the soul?