अध्याय - 4
Just as whiteness of linen gets destroyed when it is soiled with dirt, know that, in the same way, right faith gets destroyed when soiled with wrong belief.
Just as whiteness of linen gets destroyed when it is soiled with dirt, know that, in the same way, right knowledge gets destroyed when soiled with nescience.
Just as whiteness of linen gets destroyed when it is soiled with dirt, know that, in the same way, right conduct gets destroyed when soiled with passions.
कर्म स्वयं ही बन्धस्वरूप है
सो सव्वणाणदरिसी कम्मरयेण णिएणावच्छण्णो । संसारसमावण्णो ण विजाणदि सव्वदो सव्वं ॥
वह आत्मा (स्वभाव से) सर्वज्ञ और सर्वदर्शी है। (फिर भी वह) अपने कर्मरूपी रज से आच्छादित है (अत: वह ) संसार को प्राप्त हुआ है। वह समस्त पदार्थों को सब प्रकार से नहीं जानता।
The Self, by his own nature, is all-knowing and all-perceiving. Still, being covered with the dirt of karmas, he is in the worldly state of births and deaths (samsara) and does not know all the substances and their various modes.