desire produced by bondage. He has only to do nirjară, the shedding of the karmas previously acquired.
Next the characteristic of nirvicikitsā is mentioned.
जो ण करेदि जुगुंछं चेदा सव्वेसिमेव धम्माणं ।
सो खलु निव्विदिगो सम्मादिट्ठी मुणेयव्वो ॥२३१॥
jo na karedi jugumchaṁ cedā savvesimeva dhammāṇaṁ so khalu nivvidigimcho sammadiṭṭhi muneyavvo (231)
यो न करोति जुगुप्सां चेतयिता सर्वेषामेव धर्माणाम् ।
स खलु निर्विचिकित्सः सम्यग्दृष्टिर्मन्तव्यः ॥२३१॥
He who does not exhibit any abhorrence or disgust towards all the (obnoxious) qualities of things, is said to be the right believer without any abhorrence.
Jain Education International
The characteristics in one's own body or in the environment which produce disgust or abhorrence in an ordinary man are without any influence in the case of the right believer who is aware of the nature of the things in themselves. This attitude of absolute indifference even in the midst of disgusting things is what is known as the quality of nirvicikitsa. This attitude of indifference does not produce any feeling of disgust or abhorrence. His attention is not diverted to the unpleasant situation in the environment. His attention is therefore fixed on the true nature of the Self. Hence there is no karmic bondage resulting from the emotions of disgust or abhorrence. He has only to achieve nirjara or the shedding of the past karmas.
Next the author describes the quality of non-delusion (amūḍadṛṣṭitvam)
जो हव असम्मूढो चेदा सद्दिट्ठी सव्व भावेसु । सो खलु मूढदिट्ठी सम्मादिट्ठी मुणेयव्वो ॥ २३२॥
jo havai asammudo cedā saddiṭṭhī savva bhāvesu so khalu amuḍadiṭṭhī sammādiṭṭhī muneyavvo (232)
चेव भावेश सामग्गे
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