Rathoddhata Chanda :
Sri Manikyadeva Suri has composed the fifteenth verse of the first chapter in Rathoddhata Chanda and applied it in the twentyfourth and thirty-eighth verses of the same chapter in their composition, e. g. :
इष्टिका स्त्रिफला चित्रक: पृथक् मदितश्रिततुषोदकोत्थितः । शुल्वपिष्टिमिलितो मलोज्झित: पातनमुपगतोथ निर्गतः ।। १.१५ ।। Sragdhara Chanda :
The author has adopted Sragdhara Chanda in the composition of the thirty-fourth verse of the first chapter as noted below:
शुभ्र ताप्यं सुगन्धं दरदमनशिले ब्रह्मरथ्या निर्गुण्डी । गर्जासिरगीणां पृथगथ सलिलै : मर्दयित्वा क्रमेण ।। दत्तैलेपैः सुवर्णामृतरुचिदिनकृत्तीक्ष्णवंगोरगाणाम् । मृत्युः स्यादेकविंशत्यनलपुटभृतां विश्वसंजीवनाय ।।१.३४।।
Skandhaka Chanda :
He has used Skandhaka Chanda in the forty-sixth verse of the first chapter in its composition and followed it in the fourth verse of the second chapter, e. g.
गोजलतुलसीटकरणसूर रणनालै: पांडुरा जिपशुरिपुभिः ।
त्रित्रिपुटैरतिस्य (सु) दृढैः निश्चन्द्र मृतिमुपैति कृष्णाभ्रम् ।। १.४६।।
Sardulavikridita Chanda :
Sardulavikriḍita Chanda had been adopted by the author in the composition of the second verse of the second chapter and thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and forty-fourth and forty-ninth verses of the third chapter, as for example :
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