Amtaraddiva (Antaradvipa) Same as Amtaradiva(1).
1. Utt. 36. 194.
Amtarijjiyā (Antarīyā) One of the four branches of Vesavādiya-gaņa.
1. Kalp. p. 260.
Amtovāhiņi (Antarvāhini) A river between the Kumuya(1) and Nalipa(4) districts in the south-west of Mahāvideha.
1. Jam, 102, Sth. 197, 522.
Amda (Andhra) Same as Amdha.1 . 1. SutSi. p. 123.
Andha (Andhra) An Aņāriya (non-Aryan) country and its people conquered by Sampai.? This terrific frontier-territory was then made by him felicitous for the movements of monks. It is identified with the region lying between the Krishnā and Godāvari. 1. Pras. 4, SutSi. p. 123, DasCu. p. 236, 3. BrhBh. 3287, 3289. VyaBh. VII. 126, BrhM, p. 20.
4. See GDA. p. 7. 2. NisCu. II. p. 362.
Amdhakavanhi (Andhakavrsni) Same as Andhagavanhi.
1. Ant. 1.
Amdhagavashi (Andhakavrsni) See Vanhi(1)1 and Vanhi(2).” 1. Ant. 1.
2. Utt. 22. 43, NanH. p. 13.
Amdhagavaạbidasā (Andhakavrsnidaśā) Same as Vanhidasā.1
1. NanCu. p. 60, NanH. p. 73, NanM. p. 208.
It was
Amdhapura (Andhapura) A town where king Apamdha ruled. probably the capital of the Andhras.
1. NisCu. III. p. 269, BrhKs. p. 1389. 2. JIH. p. 31, IDETBJ. p. 115.
Amba (Amba) One of the fifteen Paramāhammiya gods.1
1. SutN. 68, Bha. 166, SutCu. p. 154, Prasa. p. 20.
Ambattha (Ambastha) An Ariya (Aryan) community originating from the union of a Brāhmaṇa man with a Vaiśya woman. 1. AcaN. 22-3, Sth. 497, Praj. 37, SutCu. p. 218, SutSi. p. 177, Uttu. p. 96,
BrhBh. 3264, UttCu. p. 96.
1. Ambada (Ambada) An Apāriya (non-Aryan) country and its people.
1. Praj. 37.
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