(indra) of the southern gods whereas Aggimāņava is that of the northern ones. Each of them has four Logapālas (regent gods) viz., Teu, Teusiha, Teukamta and Teuppabha. Aggikumāras set fire to the pyre of a Titthamkara etc. in accordance with the order of indra Sakka(3). They are under the direct control of his Logapāla Soma(1).5 3. Bha. 169. 4. Jam. 33.
5. Bha. 165.
1. Aggicca (Agneya) A class of Logamtiya gods.1
1. Sth. 684, AvaCu. I. p. 251, Vis. 1884, AvaN. 214.
2. Aggicca One of the seven branches of the Kosiya(5) lineage.
1. Sth. 551.
Aggiccābha (Agneyābha) A celestial abode where gods live for eight săgaropama years. It is just like Acci.1
1. Sam. 8.
Aggijjoa (Agnidyota) A Brāhmana of Ceia who was born as Marii in one of his previous lives. After the end of this life he is born as a god in the Isāna(2) celestial region. He descends into the womb of Devāņamdā(2), the wife of Usahadatta(1) of Māhanakumdagāmaand is later born as Mahāvīra. 1. Avan. 442, Vis. 1808, AvaM. p. 2. KalpV. p. 43, KalpDh. p. 43.
248, AvaCu. I. p. 229.
One of the four disciples of Bhaddabāhu(1).1
1. Aggidatta (Agnidatta)
1. Kalp. p. 255.
Same as Aggiutta.
2. Aggidatta
1. Tir. 334.
Aggibhiru (Agnibhiru) A chariot belonging to king Pajjoa. It was the best of its kind and was one of the most valuable things Pajjoa possessed. 1
1. AvaCu. II. p. 160, AvaH. p. 672.
1. Aggibhui (Agnibhuti) Second Ganahara (principal disciple) of Mahāvira. There are references to his enquiries from Mahāvīra and he is there referred to as a mere disciple (a nteväsi and anagara) of Mahāvīra. He was born in Gobbaragama(1) as a son of Vasubhūi(1), the father and Puhai(3), the mother. He was a great Brāhmana scholar of his time. He had a doubt in his mind regarding the existence of karma. Mahāvīra removed this doubt. He became his disciple along with his five hundred pupils. He 1. Kalp (Theravali). 3, Sam. 11, Vis. 3. Avan. 644, 648-9, 653, 657, Vis. 2012, Nan.v. 20, AvaN. 594.
2295, 2398, Kalpv.p. 179. 2. Bha. 126, 128-130.
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