the contrary she threw it away. It was now eaten by some ass. The ass, as a consequence, started pushing the door of their house. Monks are advised not to take consecrated food to avoid such occurrences.1
1. OghN. 598-9.
Aggatāvasa (Agratāpasa) Family-name of the Dhanitthā constellation. another name is Aggabhāva.? 1. Sur. 50.
2. Jam. 159.
Aggabhāva (Agrabhāva) Another name of Aggatāvasa.
1. Jam. 159.
Aggala (Argala) One of the eighty-eight Gahas. Thāņa mentions Rāya and Aggala as one planet, i.e. Räyaggala.
1. Sur. 107, SurM. pp. 295–296, Jams. pp. 534-535. 2. Sth. 90, SthA. pp. 78-79.
Aggāņiya (Agrāyaniya) Second of the fourteen Puvva texts. It describes substances, their attributes and modes. It is quoted in some old commentaries. It is not extant. Prof. W. Schubring is of the opinion that Amgacūliyā and Aggāņiya seem to be related mutually.. see Amgacūliya(1). 1. Nan. 57.
13. AvaCu. I. p. 600. 2. Sam. 14, 147, NanM. p. 241, NanH. 4. See The Doctrine of the Jainas' 1962, P. 88, NanCu. p. 75.
p. 75, f.n. 2. and p. 121.
1. Aggi (Agni) Presiding deity of the constellation Kattiyā.
1. Sth. 90, Jam. 157, 171. 2. Aggi Seventeenth chapter of the seventeenth section of Viyāhapaņņatti.
1. Bha. 590.
3. Aggi A palanquin used by Vāsupujja, the twelfth Titthamkara, at the time of his renunciation.
1. Sam. 157.
Aggia (Agnika) Other name of Jamadaggi.!
· AvaCu. I. p. 518, AvaH. p. 391.
Aggiutta (Agniputra) Twenty-third Titthamkara of the current Osappiņi in the Eravaya(1) region of Jambūdīva. He is also known as Aggidatta(2).2 1. Sam. 159, Sam A. p. 159.
2. Tir. 334.
Aggikumāra (Agnikumāra) One of the ten classes of Bhavaṇavai gods.1 They have seventy-six lakhs of dwelling mansions.2 Aggisiha is the lord 1. Praj. 46, Utt. 36. 205.
2. Sam. 76,
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