2. Accua Lord of Accua(1).' See also Accua(1).
1. Praj. 53.
Accuakappa (Acyutakalpa) Same as Accua(1).
1. Aca. 2.178.
Accuā (Acyutā) A goddess.
1. Ava. p. 19.
See Accua(1).1
Accuta (Acyuta)
1. Sam. 21, 22.
A celestial abode in Accua(1), similar
Accutavadimsaga (Acyutāvatamsaka) to Pabhāsa(4),1
1. Sam. 22.
A celestial abode.1
Accuttaravaờimsaga (Arcyuttarāvatamsaka)
1. Jiv. 99, JivM. p. 138.
Accuya (Acyuta) See Accua(1)1 and (2). 1. Bha. 404.
2. AvaH. p. 124, AvaCu. I. p. 146.
Accuyakappa (Acyutakalpa) Same as Accua(1).
1. Tir. 230. Accuyavadiņsaya (Acyutāvatamsaka) See Accutavađimsaga.
1. Sam. 22.
1. Accha One or the sixteen names of the Mamdara(3) mountain.!
1. Jam. 109, Sam. 16, Sur. 26, SurM. p. 78, Bha. 554.
2. Accha One of the sixteen countries (janapadas) in the time of Titthayara Mahāvira. It is identified with the region about Bulandsahar and by some with the region between the rivers Gangā and Yamunā, lying to the northwest of Kośāmbi and southwest of Kanpur.? See also Acchă and Attha.
1. Bha. 554. 2. See SBM. pp. 353, 387, Epigraphia Indica. I.p. 379 (1892).
Acchamda (Acchanda) Same as Acchamdaga.
1. Vis. 1919, AvaN. 466.
Acchamdaa (Acchandka) Same as Acchamdaga.
1. Vis. 1915.
Acchamdaga (Acchandaka). An astrologer of Morāga settlement, who was
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