Book Title: Nyayavatara and Nayakarnika
Author(s): Siddhasena Divakar, Vinayvijay, A N Upadhye
Publisher: Jain Sahitya Vikas Mandal
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Siddhasena and his Works
reasons, the details about Siddhasena from the Prabhāvakacarita deserve to be summarised first. It describes how Siddhasena of Brahmanic birth met VỊddhavādi of the Vidyādhara Sākhā in Ujjayini at the time of Vikramāditya. Defeated in his encounter, Siddhasena became his pupil and was named Kumudacandra. He won royal patronage there, and practised miracles like Suvarṇasiddhi etc. He was welcomed by Devapāla of Karmāra who became his friend and whom he defended miraculously against Vijayavarman of Kāmarūpa. He became famous as Divākara. He was attached to the royal pomp, but was soon enlightened by Vțddhavādi. The Sangha made him take prāyaschitta for his proposal to render the Agama into Sanskrit. He went out in disguise. He coverted the Kudangesvara-linga into Pārsvanātha after composing Stutis of 32 verses, 30 in number, (Nyāyāvatāra, Virastutis and Kalyāṇamandira): it is the 11th verse of the last that worked the miracle. He once went to Baroach, converted the cowherd folk by Tāla-rāsaka, and established there a temple of Rsabha. He helped the local king with a miraculous army. He then reached Pratişthāga and died there by Prāyopaveśana.
The Kathāvali has these four incidents: i) The king was blessed with Dharmalābha by Siddhasena and was given one crore of gold coins; ii) Divākara wanted to put the canon into Sanskrit and had to take prāyaścitta. iii) In disguise Divākara prayed with Dvātrimśikās, and the image of Pārsvanātha emerged from Sivalinga. iv) Divākara went to Deccan and died there. Then there are some additional incidents: i) Siddhasena was defeated in controversy and became the pupil of VỊddhavādi. ii) A king in calamity was helped with men and money by Siddhasena who was honoured.
The Caturvimśati-prabandha tallies mostly with the Prabhāvakacarita, but it has two additional points. First, the account of the origin of the Mahākāla temple given by Divākara to the king, Vikrama, and secondly, Divākara making the king build a temple of Jina at Omkāra as a rival to that of Siva there.
Now the details of the fifth source, especially in the Vikramārka-prabandha, show much difference: i) Vțddhavādi is said to be the pupil of Arya Suhasti and not of Skandila. ii) Siddhasena came, according to the Prabandha-cintāmaņi, from South
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