Book Title: Nyayavatara and Nayakarnika
Author(s): Siddhasena Divakar, Vinayvijay, A N Upadhye
Publisher: Jain Sahitya Vikas Mandal
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Siddhasena and his Works
age of conflict between tradition and anti-tradition; and 9) the environment of accepting Sanskrit as scriptural language. All these considerations indicate that Siddhasena flourished before the 4th century A.D. III) Works etc.-There is a large number of works attributed to Siddha sena and of that name there have been many authors. There are only two works, viz., Sanmati and Dvātrimsikās which belong to Siddhasena Divākara. There are available now only 21 Dvā.s out of which only 15 contain 32 verses. The number of
in each and their order of arrangement are questionable. The 21 include the Nyāyāvatāra and Mahāvīra Dvā.
It is claimed that Siddhasena had epithets Kumudacandra, Ksapaņaka, Gandhahasti etc. The Kalyānamandira and CikuraDvātrimśikā mention the name Kumudacandra. Gandhahasti is a different Siddhasena. Some other works, not available now (enumerated here), are attributed to him. The Sakrastava cannot be his work, but possibly belongs to Siddhasenagaņi of the 9th century A.D. It shows later philosophical trend unknown to Divākara,
As to the Kalyāṇamandira Stotra, it has 44 verses in praise of Pārsvanātha. Some 11 commentaries (enumerated here) are available on it. The earliest belongs to 1652 A.D. It is opined that it imitates the Bhaktāmara. Both of them are composed in the same foi mat and the similarities between them are indisputable (details given). The last verse of the Kalyāṇamandira may be an interpolation. It deserves to be compared with the Mahimnastotra of Puşpadanta. The Prabandhakośa calls it Dvātrimsikā, but this is not borne out by the present text. The 44th verse mentions Kumudacandra. There is the Cikura-Dvātrimśikā in praise of Rşabha. It mentions Kumudacandra prefixed with jana as in the Kalyāṇamandira. This cannot be the work of Siddhasena Divākara.
The Vardhamāna-Dvā, the 21st in the enumeration, lacks both poetic and philosophic heights of Siddhasena and shows certain polemic weakness. This cannot be the work of Siddhasena. Likewise the Anekārtha-dhvanimanjarī attributed to Kșapaņaka, Visogragrahasamanavidhi ascribed to Siddhasena, Nitisārapurāņa said to have been composed by Siddhasena, Simhāsana Dvātrimsikā
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