Book Title: Nyayavatara and Nayakarnika
Author(s): Siddhasena Divakar, Vinayvijay, A N Upadhye
Publisher: Jain Sahitya Vikas Mandal
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Siddhasena and his Works
Gandhahasti upholds the kramavāda and refutes the abhedavāda of Siddhasena. Akalanka and Vidyānanda quote the Sanmati. The former has adopted the subject matter of the Sanmati in his Laghīyastrayam and has also accepted some of the views of Siddhasena. Vidyānanda also partly approves the views of Siddhasena. Other authors like Sīlāňka etc. show great respect for Siddhasena. Hemacandra looks upon Siddhasena as the greatest poet; he imitates him in his Dvātrimśikās; and the common points between them are obvious. Siddharşi (962 V. era) has written a commentary on the Nyāyāvatāra. Abhayadeva of the Candragaccha (10th century A.D.) has written a commentary on the Sanmati-tarka. It is a treasure of philosophical thought up to-date. It is called Vādamahārņava or Tattvabodhavidhāyinī. Both the titles have equal significance. It is a methodical exposition and follows the footsteps of Sabarācārya, Sankarācārya etc. Yasovijaya is highly influenced by Siddhasena, and he has expounded the contents of the Sanmati-tarka and has composed a work called Dvātrimsat-Dvātrimsikā.
• Works of Siddhasena reflect his close study of Brahmanical literature especially on Nyāya, Vaiseșika, Sāņkhya, and Vedānta. Siddhasena's exposition of Buddhism does not refer to any Buddhist text. He might have had before him the works of Asvaghoșa and Mātịceta. Ašvaghoşa flourished in the 1st century A.D. Even earlier than Asvaghoşa some authors wrote in polished Sanskrit. Some of his verses are comparable with similar contexts in the Stuti Dyā of Siddhasena. Mātrceta was a great Buddhist poet. He flourished in the first century A.D. Siddhasena's first five Dvātrissikās can be compared with Mātịceta's Sataka. Between Kālidāsa and Siddhasena there are many common contexts as well as similarity of style. Perhaps they were contemporaries. Buddhist philosopher like Nāgārjuna etc. have left their influence on Siddhasena. Dharmakīrti is posterior to Siddhasena, so JACOBI and VAIDYA are wrong in inferring Dharmakirti's influence on Siddhasena. V) PICTURE OF THE TIMES—As to the contemporary picture reflected in the works of Siddhasena, he lived in an age of great upheavel. Sanskrit was being adopted by Buddhist authors like Ašvaghoșa and Jaina authors like Siddhasena and Umāsvāti.
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