First Black President
Friday July 19th 2013, President Obama spoke for 20 minutes After one week the Jury rendered a verdict of "not guilty".
Trayvon Martin, a 17 year young black boy was shot a year ago. Our first black president looked concerned, bit tired. In the cage of presidency:
White collar shirt, dark blue suit, a tie appeared to be A uniform caging Obama's free spirit.
Obama standing in this cage could not create everlasting, Ever-vibrating sound: "I have a dream".
And young black boys, you too have a dream. We can forget "history and bad past experiences".
They are past; create a society of no hate, no guns, no sounds of shootings.
Obama talked "soul searching," but appeared without free spirit. Gandhi abolished the British Raj of 300 years,
Kindled hope in Indians to free themselves From British prison that had become a way of life.
Slavery predates written records, still Martin Luther King, With his free spirit dreamed, inspired youth to dream big Dreams, unreal to most,
Transcend "history and bad past experiences".