3. is a Prakrit suffix showing 'habit' corresponding to Sk. शील (Vr. iv. 24 ) : चंकमिरो = चंक्रम (ण) शील: The second line qualifies з. The author's style is so much influenced by Sanskrit that I find it necessary to put 4, otherwise we will have a form like हिसरंत. गदाग्रज is a name of कृष्ण, as he had a younger brother by name. This name is used in faq also ii. 69. To explain दक्खर Pischel postulates a form * दृक्षति ( $554 ) . गान्दिनी was a princess of काशी. She was the wife of श्वफल्क and the motner of अक्रूर who, therefore, gets the names गान्दिनेय, farga etc., He was sent by to invite to attend some
sports at मथुरा.
seen on the ground.
lines etc.
4. 14 and
soles; and ther imprints, when they are moving in the yard, are
31espectfully bows down to them.
or we may take conchs etc. consisting of lines'; compare भागवत 10. 38. 25-6 and 34 : पदानि तस्याखिललोकपालकिरीटजुष्टामलपादरेणो : ॥ ददर्श गोठे क्षितिकौतुकानि विलक्षितान्यब्जयवाङ्कुart: 113 ॥ बाहोल्ल=बाह+उल्ल= बाष्प + आर्द्र (Vr. iii. 38, Hc. i. 82 ). पुलऊण gerund from पुलअ to see (Vr. viii. 69 ) from प्रलोक् (Pischel 104, 130).
have auspicious marks of royalty on their
Jain Education International
5. निमीलित + ईक्षणं, in such a manner that his eyes were closed in meditation. began to reflect, in meditation, on the flashing परमात्मन्, viz., कृष्ण who was just before him. कोड्डअं, also कुड्डुं or कुड्डुअं, is a देशी word meaning आश्चर्य; Sk. lexicons note a word कुड्य with that sense; and we have in Marathi कोडकौतुक.
6. In an ecstatic state of meditation, a fully concentrated on external disturbances for the time being.
has all his faculties ; and as such he is not amenable to
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