37. gada=gozat, usually those that are decorated with flowers'; but in view of the qualifications उम्हसोम्मसीला and गअणतलं ब П it is more appropriate to take that word to mean sun and moon'. It is better that the simile should stop with the second line. The reading प्पमइलदं would stand for प्रमलिनतां. The arrival of राम and was a matter of joy to some and a matter of sorrow to others. a & b and c & d rhyme at the beginning.
38. After killing the elephant कुवलयापीड, राम and कृष्ण are carrying the tusks as trophies in their hands; compare л 10. 43. 15–16. People saw these brothers to their heart's content, and felt that their eyes were fruitful today. In early Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam poetry the second letter of all the lines of a verse is the same. Our author shows such a tendency here and there in the first half or the second half of a verse: see i. 7, 27; ii. 16, 32; iii. 38, 41, 43, 59; iv. 3, 25, 30, 40, 48*2, etc.
39. Sanskrit छाया renders मुकुलतमानि; that implies that the reading of the text might have been з. But here we can conveniently take तेषां वक्त्राणि मलिनतमानि भवन्ति 'their faces become superlatively dark or faded'. # though usually equated with मलिन, may be traced back to a word like *मृदिल, मृद् f. dust etc. The figure of speech is दृष्टान्त.
40. णवरि अ is taken as अनन्तरं by the छाया. 3441 here, and it is quite apt.
Jain Education International
चाणूर and were celebrated wrestlers in the service of whose special favour they enjoyed. Being awake they protected (arafa) the whole army. If we could read forføyáfa, the meaning would be 'they inspect the whole army'.
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