60. The figure of speech here is pofitam . By reading this verse one is reminded of a x.48 - Tauragarrafafa amada सः। अभिवृष्य मरुत्सस्य कृष्णमेघस्तिरोदधे ॥
61. काश्यपि is the name of अरुण or Dawn who drives the chariot of the sun. ECHUTIE is to be construed both ways: occupied by हरि or कृष्ण and secondly by हरि or the sun.
62. कृष्णगिरि is the Karakorum or the Black mountain. सूरकण्णाउ Gen. sg. from सूर्यकन्या. गाहए, reaches
63. कृष्ण वासुदेव is omnipresent. When अक्रूर was taking his bath plunging himself in the stream of gar, he was simply thrilled with surprise to see anot even there. Compare TT 10.39.40 etc.
64. =ai 74714. There is some play of sound in the first line. The figure of speech is 3471. Note HTC , with, accompanied by.
In this canto verses 1-60 are composed in åte metre which is four times u-v--uv-ul-u-11 ( FT ETEI Jo ato 99); Nos. 61-62 are in afsoff metre which is four times vuujuuni----u--iv-- !! (at ant at AS Arfoot tal : 1 To aro 13 ); No. 63 is in gate ( also called ASHTOTT) metre which is double vu-luv-lv-u! - -, vv-l-ul-U-TU---:: 3 1 74 af 1997a1fOSAT ATA TAHTEETH 11 7 370 40); and No. 64 is in frefront metre which is four times v -- -1---luvulvU-1 - UUTU-!! ( FT4: Prefcuft THT THAT YQ: 1 po ato 3x).
CANTO TWO 1. For the details about the washerman's incident see MTO 10. 41. 31-42. Though the details are there, the situation is made quite dramatic by our author. मुसलिन् is a name of बलराम
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