Achelakka; 2nd, Udesía; 3rd, Siyyayara; 4th, Ráyapitha ; 5th, Kiikamme; 6th, Vaya; 7th, Jetha; Sth, Parlikamane; 9th, Másam; 10tlı, Paijosavana".
1. What, then, is meant by Achelakka? Ho who is without chelu, that is to say, clothing, is Achelakka, and the abstract noun formed from that it is Achalakyat (unclothedness). Achailakya is the attribute of Rishabha and Mahávírat alone of all the principal Yatis, they baving no other clothing than some covering of old white cloth. Ajita and the rest of the twenty-two Tirthaukars being dressed in clothes, valuable and of a variety of colours, though still with holy dispositions, are said to be in the state of Suchelakatwa (wellclothedness). Whether any one else who dresses in coarse white clothes may be considered as in the state of Achailakya is not determined. To those then belongs especially the first Kalpa.
* The original Mágadhi words are as follows:
अचेलक उडेमोअ मिय्यायर रायपिठ किई कम्मे वय जेठ पडिक मणे मामं पज्जोमवण कप्पे The Sanskrit equivalents will soon appear in their proper places in the text.
+ This is now the Sanskrit formi introdnced by the anthor, and continued during the whole paragraph, to the exclusion of the Maguhi.
That is to say, the first and last Tirthankars.