Kshatriyas, lay to heart our words; O Lord, ruler of the people, promote the world's happiness, become the sanctuary of religion", and in the whole world, to every living creature become the author of prosperity, felicity, and future bliss." finishing, they made the sound of victory to resound through the atmosphere. While the venerable ascetic Mahávíra was yet living in the society of men, and following the religious practice of a householder, he had obtained incomparable, allmanifesting, indestructible intelligence and perceptiont. Therefore, by this incomparable, allmanifesting intelligence and perception, clearly seeing that the time of his initiation had arrived, he abandoned in fixed resolve all his silver, abandoned all his gold, his wealth, kingdom, country, army, chariots, treasury, store-houses, city, private apartments, and society; and taking his money, golden ornaments, jewels, precious stones, pearls, conchs, corals, rubies, and other precious stones, he distributed them in charity, and divided them among his relations. All this happened in the winter season, the first month, the first half of the
धर्मतोर्थ in allusion probably to तीर्थकर
+ अणुत्तरे आहोई अष्पडिवाई नाणदंसणेहीथा This
was not yet, however, the highest grade, as will afterwards appear.