load, like the lion difficult to be restrained, stable as Mount Mandara, deep as the ocean, mild as the moon, and refulgent as the sun. His person resembled pure gold, and was of the colour of pure honey or fire; and yet he was patient as the earth, trodden on by the feet of all the world--he had no attachment or tie binding him to the world. These ties are of four kinds: articles of possession, place, time, affections. The first consists partly of animate, partly of inanimate objects. Place is either villages, cities, forests, fields, threshing-floors, houses, courts, or heavenly mansions. Times are instants (avali), moments (anu), breathings (prana), thavas (stoka), kohanas, lavas, muhúrtas, days, fortnights, months, seasons, half-years, years, and ages*. Affections are anger, humility, deceit, desire, fear, joy, love, hatred, sorrow, slandering, misjudging, anxiety, doting affections, falsehood, false alarms. None of these things affected the Lord Mahávíra.
On finishing the rest of the rainy season, the venerable ascetic Mahávíra travelled eight months, during hot and cold weather, remaining a night at a village, and five in a city, esteeming the dust of
* 167 77, 216 moments = 1 prána, 7 breathings = 1 thava, 6 thavas = 1 muhúrta, 77 lavas = ditto. The muhúrta is, as among the Brahmans, the of a day and night.