the following articles--rice and milk, curds, fresh butter, melted butter, oil, sugar, honey, spirits, and flesh*.
6. Certain sages having asked for direction in the matter, it was laid down as a rule, that in feeding a sick man, you are only to take what food he may not require, if you have the Superior's permission.
7. It was also ruled, that though lawful to ask of a householder what you see in his house for a sick person, you are not to ask what you do not see. And when the reason of this was asked, the reply given was, that if the householder be a man of great devotedness, he may be induced to go and buy what you want, or if not able to do this, even to steal it.
S. It is permitted those who eat only once a day to go out to collect alms only once a day. This, however, does not forbid them to go out again for a teacher, a superior, a sick person, or a novice under age. The following rules are also to be observed. The person who fasts one day and on the preceding and succeeding partakes only of one
It seems more strange that these two last should at other times be permitted than now prohibited, and shews that in those ancient times Jain priests, as well as Brahmaus, had different principles from those they now entertain.