are enjoined to ask the superior whether they are to go to a distance or remain near. The reason of this being, that certain sages on account of the practice of austerities are not fit to go far, and therefore the superior is the proper person to determine who shall remain near and who go to a distance. A sage is not permitted, after wandering about four or five leagues, to stay at the place at which he has arrived, but must return before night. If unable to do so he must return a certain part of the way and lodge there.
27. Those who observe the aforesaid yearly Institute of the Sages, according to the rules laid down for this Institute, with a sincere purpose following the established ritual, performing the worship directed, and obeying the commands given, will some of them, those especially who have already abandoned the world, become perfect in knowledge, and after the termination of their present lives obtain liberation, and freedom from all pain. Others will obtain the same, after two or three transmigrations, and none will exceed the seventh or eighth.
This Institute was ordained by the adorable ascetic Mahávíra at Rajgriha, in the sacred garden (Chaitya) of Gunasila, while surrounded by multitudes of male and female ascetics and lay disciples, as well as gods and goddesses.