respectively. Those with five senses, and without a mind, have only nine vital airs*.
The union of these with a body constitutes the state of life, and their disjunction the state of death. Fire, air, earth, and water, are called elementst. Trees and flowers of all kinds are called existentst. Beings with less than five senses are called respirerss, and the four classes of beings with five senses, (viz., gods, men, brutes, and deinons), are called properly animated beings||.
II. The fourteen distinctions of things without life are : solids, fluids, and airs, each of which has three aspects. The whole, a territory, and a district** Add to these time, and the four distinctions of a bodytt, the whole body, a region, a member, and an atom, and the number is completed. Inanimate objects are then divisible into four classes, solids, fluids, bodies, and air. Fluids
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