plete, forming the fourteen distinctions among animated beings".
The most exalted properties of animated beings are, knowledge, perception, initiation into a religious life, the practice of self-dlenial, the possession of power, and the employment of means to obtain an end.
The following things sustain life: food, a body, the senses, the power of breathing, the power of speech, and mental power. The first four belong to creatures that have but one sense, the first five to creatures having two, three, and four senses, or five without a mind,-and all the six to the creatures that have a mind. There are ten vital airs concerned in the sustaining of life, one for each of the five senses, one that supports the breathing, one on which the term of life depends, and the three invigorating airs, (one for the mind, a second for the speech, and a third for the bodily frame]. Beings with one, two, three, and four senses, have the first four, six, seven, and eight of these
* The original word translated, with a mind, is a Sanskrit मनः संयुक्ताः The word for complete is पज्जाता Sanskrit qetat: The additions within brackets are all from the Comment, and so in future, escept oue or two from oral information.