of Cupid, and raising the oceanic tides*, not to be looked on by disconsolate wives temporarily separated from their husbands, lest they suffer a greater calamity; a moon altogether lovely, like the mark on the forehead, the pride of all the circling starry host, especially beloved of Robini in soul and heart. Such was the glorious lovely full moon which Trisal saw.
She next in her dream saw the sun, rending the curtain of night, all glorious with his eneircling radiance, like a bunch of red asoka or paláísa flowers, like a bill of a parrot, or the red side of the retti seed, adorning the beds of wild lutuses, occupying his proper station in the beginning of the ecliptic, like a lamp hung down from heaven, destroying the influence of cold; the prince of planets, the conqueror of night, who at his rising and setting comes near us, but afterwards removes far from us, who disperses the evil doers that stroll about in the dark, who stops the influence of the cold winds, who circles round Meru the
* The original here is HAETIT The Sanskrit translation is ममद्रजलवेलावर्द्धकं I mentioin this in case of any doubting whether the anthor knew the true cause of the rise of the tides, especially as I do not recollect sccing it nientioned anywhere, that the ancient Hindus understood the subject