take place in a low caste, or Brahmanical family. Therefore go you, O beloved of the gods, to the worshipful ascetic Mahávíra, who is now conceived in the womb of Devanandi, in the Brahman division of the city of Kundagráma, and withdraw him from thence, and place him in the womb of
Trišalá, the wife of Siddhartha, and return quickly, and report your diligence in this affair.” Harinegamesi", chief of the heavenly messengers, having received the commands of Sakra, king and chief of the gods, delighted, and with a heart filled with joy, bringing his hands together (in token of obedience), immediately addressed himself to the execution of the orders which he had received from the mouth of the god. Having accordingly gone to the north-east quarter, he, at the commencement of his journey, changed his appearance, exhibiting himself in the form of a pillar of innumerable leagues in length, combining the lustre of the diamond, the ruby, the emerald, the opal, the pulakat, Sugandha, Jyotivanta, Anjana, Anjanapula, Jyotiresa, Subhaga, Anka, rock crystal, amethyst, and other brilliant gems, and of the consistency of muslin. After thus proceeding a certain space, he
* The Sanskrit given here is Harinaigamaishi. I suppose the name means “swifter than a deer."
+ I give here the Sanskrit names of those gems of which I cannot ascertain any thing certain.