Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
There are five ethical codes of conduct in regard to right knowledge, right faith, right conduct, penance and spiritual strength. 1 કાલે વિણ બહુમાણે, ઉવહાણે તહ અનિષ્ઠવણે, વંજણઅત્યતદુભએ, અઠવિહો નાણમાયારો. ર käle vinae bahu-mäne, uvahäne-taha a-ninhavane; vanjanaattha-tadubhae, attha viho nänamäyäro. 2 To study scripture at proper time (jnänächära), to respect the scholar (vinayachära), to greatly respect wise, preceptors and the scriptures (bahumänächära), to make efforts to study the scriptures (upadhänächara), not to conceal identity of the spiritual preceptor (aninhavanächära), to pronounce the verses clearly (vyanjanächära), to interpret the verses accurately (arthächära) to reflect both on verses and meaning (ubhayachär) are the eight fold practice of right knowledge. 2 નિસ્સકિઅ નિષ્ક્રખિા, નિāિતિગિચ્છા અમૂઢદિઠી અ, ઉવધૂહ થિરિકરણે, વચ્છલ્લ પu ભાવણે અઠ. ૩ nissankia nikkankhia, nivvitigichchhä a-mudha-ditthia; uvavuha-thirikarane, vachchhalla ppabhävane attha. 3 Not to have any doubt in the words of Jina (nishankitächära), not to put faith in other religions (nikänkshitächära), not to loath at monks and nuns for their unclean and untidy appearance (nirvitigichhächära), not to get impressed by pompousness, spells and charms of an unfaithful (amudhdrastiächära), genuinely praise and support a person with right faith (upabrumhanächära), to bring stability in religious practices of the people whose faith is shaken (sthirikaranächära), to look after the welfare of the coreligionists (vätsalyächära), and to perform pious activities which will bring praise from people of other faiths (prabhävnächära), are the eight fold practices of right faith. 3 પણિહાણ જોગ જીત્તો, પંચહિં સમિઈહિં તીહિં ગુત્તીહિ, એસ ચરિત્તાયાસે, અઠવિહો હોઈ નાયબ્યો. ૪ panihäna joga jutto, panchahim samihim tihim guttihim; esa charittä yäro atthaviho hoi näyavvo. 4