Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
ચઉત્યે અણુવ્વયમિ, નિર્ચ ૫રદારગમણવિરઈઓ, આયરિઅમuસત્ય, ઈત્ય પમાયuસંગેણ. ૧૫ અપરિગ્દહિઆ ઈત્તર, અસંગવિવાહતિધ્વઅણુરાગે, ચઉલ્યવયસ્સઈઆરે, પડિક્રમે દેસિ સળં. ૧૭ chauthe anu vvayammi, nichcham paradära gamana viriao; äyaria mappasatthe, ittha pamäya ppasangenam. 15 apariggahiä ittara, ananga viväha tivva anuräge; chauttha vayassa-iäre, padikkame desiam savvam. 16 As regards the fourth lesser vow of celibacy, I want to atone for whatever adultery I may have committed during the day, due to careless or contemptuous behavior, such as illicit sexual relations with unmarried girls, other women, widows or prostitutes, flirting with other women, arranging marriage for strangers and have intense sensual desires. 15, 16 ઈત્તો અણુવ્વએ પંચમમિ, આચરિઅમuસત્યમિ: પરિમાણ-પરિચ્છેએ, ઈત્ય પમાયuસંગેણ. ૧૭ ઘણધન્નખિત્તવન્યૂ. રુuસુવને આ કુવિઆ પરિમાણે, દુપએ ચઉLયમ્મિ ય, પડિક્રમે દેસિ સળં. ૧૮ itto anuvvae panchamammi, äyaria mappa satthammi; parimäna parichchhee, ittha pamäya ppasangenam. 17 dhana dhanna khitta vatthu, ruppa suvanne a kuvia parimäne; dupae chauppayammi ya, padikkame desiam savvam. 18 As regards the fifth lesser vow of non-possession, I want to atone for whatever violations I may have committed during the day, due to careless or contemptuous behavior, such as excessive accumulation of wealth and grains, farm and real estate property, silver, gold and other precious metals, servants and maids (two legged) and horses and other four legged animals. 17, 18 ગમણસ્સ ઉ પરિમાણે, દિસાસુ ઉઢ અહે આ તિરિએ ચ, પુરૂઢી સઈઅંતરદ્ધા, પઢમમિ ગુણધ્વએ નિંદે. ૧૯ gamanassa u parimäne, disäsu uddham ahe a tiriam cha; vuddhi sai antaraddhä, padhamammi gunavvae ninde. 19 As regards voluntary confinement of directions (dig vrata) the first spiritual vow of self discipline (guna vrata), I want to reprehend for what ever violations I may have committed like, involving in