Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
mannaha jinänamänam, michchham pariharaha, dharaha sammattam; chhavviha ävassayammi, ujjutto hoi paidivasam. 1 Obey Lord Jineshwaras' commands (1), give up perverted beliefs (2), accept right faith (3) and always diligently perform the six essential duties (6), (9 essentials). 1 પલ્વેસુ પોસહવયં, દાણ સીલ તવો આ ભાવો અ, સજઝાચ નમુક્કારો, પરોવયારો અ જયણા અ. ૨ pavvesu posahavayam, dänam silam tavo a bhävo a; sajjhäya namukkäro, parovayäro a jayanä a. 2 Do fasting for 48 hours (paushadhvrata) during religious festivals (10), give charities to suitable persons (11), be celibate (12), observe external austerities (13), contemplate on 12 themes of meditation (bhävnä) (14), study the scriptures (swädhyäya) (15), pay obeisance to five supreme beings (16), be benevolent and help others to the best of your ability (17), and protect all living beings (18) (18 essentials). 2 જિણ પુઆ જિણથણણ, ગુરુથુઆ સાહમિઆણ વચ્છë, વવહારસ્સ ય સુદ્ધિ, રહ જત્તા તિત્ય જત્તા ય. ૩ jina puä jina thunanam, guru thua sähammiäna vachchhallam; vavahärassa ya suddhi, raha jattä tittha jatta ya. 3 Worship Lord Jineshwaras (19), recite the hymns of praise of Lord Jineshwaras (20), recite the hymns of praise of spiritual preceptor (21), be affectionate towards coreligionists (22), be honest in all business transactions (23), organize religious processions (24) and go to pilgrimages (25) (25 essentials). 3 વિસમ વિવેગ સવર, ભાસા સમઈ છે જીવ કરુણા ચ, ધમ્મિઅ જણ સસગો, કરણ દમો ચરણ પરિણામો. ૪ uvasama vivega samvara, bhasä samii chha jiva karunä ya; dhammia jana sansaggo, karana damo charana parinämo. 4 Control the passions (26), be courteous (27), refrain from sinful activities (28), keep control over speech (29), show compassion to all living beings (30), keep the company of righteous people (31), keep control over the senses (32) and strive to achieve right conduct (33) (33 essentials). 4 સઘોવરિ બહુમાણો, પુત્યય લિહણ પભાવણા તિત્ય, સફઢાણ કિચ્ચમે, નિર્ચ સુગુરુવએણ. ૫