Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
thousand temples in the fifth heaven. I pay my homage to all the Jina images in them. 2 છઠે સ્વર્ગ સહસ પચાશ, સાતમે ચાલીશ સહસ પ્રાસાદ, આઠમે સ્વર્ગ છ હજાર, નવ દશમે વડું શત ચાર. ૩ chhatthe svarge sahasa pachäsha, sätme chalisha sahasa präsäda; äthame svarge chha hajära, nava dashame vandun shata chära. 3 In the sixth heaven there are 50 thousand, seventh 40 thousand, eighth 6 thousand, ninth 4 hundred and 4 hundred temples in the tenth heaven, I pay homage to all Jina images in them. 3 અગ્યાર બારમે ત્રણશે સાર, નવ રૈવેયકે ત્રણશે અઢાર, પાંચ અનુત્તર સર્વે મલી, લાખ ચોરાસી અધિક વલી. ૪ agyära bärame tranashe sära, nava graiveyake tranashe adhära päncha anuttara sarve mali, läkha choräshi adhikän vali. 4 In the eleventh heaven there are 3 hundred, twelfth 3 hundred, in nine Grayvayakas 318, in five heavens of spiritual conquest (anuttara) 5, in all there are more than 84 hundred thousand Jain temples. 4 Explanation: There are five heavens of Spiritual Conquest on topmost part of the Upper World. These are Vijayä, Vaijayanta, Jayanta, Aparajita and Sarvarthasiddha. In the first four, the gods will take only two more births as humans before attaining liberation. Gods in the Sarvarthasiddha, the highest and most sublime will take only one more birth as humans before attaining the liberation. The Grayvayakas are so named because they are located near the neck of the Jaina cosmos. સહસ સત્તાણુ ત્રેવીશ સાર, જિનવર ભવનતણો અધિકાર, લાંબા સો જોજન વિસ્તાર, પચાસ ઊંચા બહોતેર ધાર. ૫ sahasa sattänu trevisha sära, jinvara bhavana tano adhikära; lämbä so jojana vistära, pachäsa unchä bahontera dhära. 5 There are 97,023 thousand exquisite temples of Lord Jineshwaras. According to the description in scriptures the dimensions of each temple in the upper world are 100 Yojanas in length (1 Yojana is 4