Book Title: Exposition of Pratikramana Sutra
Author(s): Rati Dodhia
Publisher: Rati Dodhia

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Page 80
________________ 2 Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras A layperson, who has accumulated much karmic dust due to sinful activities, will be able to destroy all the sinful sorrows by performing penitential retreat (pratikramana). 41 આલોઅણા બહુવિહા, ન ચ સંભરિઆ પડિક્રમણકાલે, મૂલગુણઉત્તરગુણે, તે નિંદે તં ચ ગરિહામિ. ૪૨ äloanä bahuvihä, na ya sambhariä paddikkamana käle; mulaguna uttaragune, tam ninde tam cha garihämi. 42 I want to reproach and reprehend in front of a spiritual preceptor for any transgressions I may have committed because of not contemplating on any lapses related to principal {(mula guna) (five lesser vows and three vows of self-discipline) } and auxiliary vows {(uttara guna) (spiritual vows of self-mortification)} at the time of performing penitential retreat. 42 તસ્ય ધમ્મક્સ કેવલિપન્નત્તસ્મ, અભુઠિઓ મિ આરોહણાએ, વિરઓમિ વિરાહણાએ, તિવિહેણ પડિક્રતો, વંદામિ જિણે ચઉવ્વીસ. ૪૩ tassa dhammassa kevali pannattassa, abbhutthiomi ärähanäe; virao mi virähanäe, tivihena padikkanto, vandämi jine chauvvisam. 43 I am ready to follow the layman's vows laid down by Omniscients, and I bow to the 24 Pathfinders while performing penitential retreat for any sins committed through the activities of mind, speech and body. 43 જાવંતિ ચેઈઆઈ, ઉરૂઢ અ અહે આ તિરિઅલોએ અ, સવ્વાઈ તાઈ વદે, ઈહ સંતો તત્ય સંતાઈ. ૪૪ જાવંત કે વિ સાહૂ, ભરોરવય-મહાવિદેહે અ, સલૅસિં તેસિં પણઓ, તિવિહેણ તિરંડવિયાણ. ૪૫ jävanti cheiäim, uddhe a ahe a tirialoe a; savväim täim vande, iha santo tattha samtäim. 44 jävanta ke vi sähu, bharaheravaya mahävidehe a; savvesim tesim panao, tivihena tidanda virayänam. 45 I who live here adore all those images of Jinas present in the upper world, lower world and the middle world. And pay my respect to all the monks, who have freed themselves from the mental verbal and bodily sins, residing in five Bhärata, five Airävata and five Mahävideha continents (kshetras). 44, 45


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