Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
verse to all the Lord Jineshwaras, the benefactors of the entire mankind and in the third verse to the Holy Writ, which brings peace and calmness just like the first rains of monsoon season making the earth cool and rich for the cultivation of crops.
40. Vishäla Lochana Sutra
Object: Hymn of Praise for Lord Omniscient after completing six essential duties in morning penitential retreat (rai Pratikramana).
Sutra and Meaning: વિષાલલોચનદલ, પ્રોઘતાંશુકેસરમ, પ્રાર્ધીરજિનેન્દ્રશ્ય, મુખપદ્મ પુનાતુ વ: ૧ vishäla lochana dalam, prodyadantänsu kesaram; prätarvira jinendrasya, mukha padmam punätu vah. 1 Let Lord Mahävira be auspicious to all of us, whose face in the morning resembles an open lotus flower, wide oval eyes resembling petal of lotus and the shiny white teeth like the farina. 1 ચેષાભિષેક કર્મ કૃત્વા, મત્તા હર્ષભરાતું સુખ સુરેન્દ્રા, તૃણમપિ ગણયંતિ નૈવ નાક, પ્રાતઃ સંતુ શિવાય તે જિનેન્દ્રા. ૨ yeshämabhisheka karma kritvä, mattä harsha bharät sukham surendräh; trunamapi ganayanti naiva näkam, prätah santu shiväya te jinendräh. 2 Let all the Lord Jineshwaras be auspicious to us in the morning, whose bathing ceremony (ablution) performed by Kings of heavenly Gods bring them incomparable joy than life in heaven. 2 કલકનિર્મફતમમુફતપૂર્ણત, કુતર્કરાહુઝસન સદોદયમ, અપૂર્વચદ્ર જિનચંદ્રભાષિત, દિના ગમે નૌમિ બુધૈર્નમસ્કૃતમ્. ૩. kalanka-nirmukta-mamukta purnatam, kutarka rähu grasanam sadodayam; apurva chandram jinachandrabhäsitam; dinä game naumi budhair namaskratam. 3 I pay my respect in the morning to the Holy Writ that is untainted, ever perfect, fully manifested like a full moon and whose brightness cannot ever be obscured by any entity. 3
Explanation: This composition is made up of three verses. First verse is in praise of Lord Mahävira; second verse is in praise of all the Tirthankaras and the third verse in praise of Holy Scriptures.