Exposition of Pratikramana Stotras
tinham guna-vvayänam, chaunham sikkhä-vayänam, bärasavihassa-sävaga-dhammassa jam khandiam, jam virähiam, tassa michchhämi dukkadam. Three spiritual vows of self-discipline (guna-vratas), four spiritual vows of self-mortification (shikshä-vratas), the layman's twelvefold rule of conduct, I may have broken, or opposed, may those bad deeds of mine be forgiven and become fruitless.
Explanation: This is the desire to atone for the violations committed against the 12 fold vows of a layman by recitation of a short prayer of confession. The twelve vows of a layperson are: 1. Five lesser vows (Anu Vratas): These are; non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and non-possession. 2. Three spiritual vows of self-discipline (Guna Vratas): These are vow of voluntary confinement (digvrata), vow of simplicity (bhogopabhoga) and vow of piety (anarthadanda). And 3. Four spiritual vows of self-mortification (Shiksha Vratas): These are practice of equanimity (sämäyika), vow of additional confinement of every day activity (desävakäshikä Vrata), vow of fasting (posadhopaväsa) and vow of charity (däna Vrata).
29. Nänammi Sutra
Dansanammi Panchächära Sutra
Object: To pray and ask forgiveness for violations of the five ethical codes of conduct.
Sutra and Meanings: નાણમિ દંસણમિ અ, ચરણમ્પિ તથમિ તહય વીરિયમ્મિ, આયરણ આયારો, ઈઅ એસો પંચહા ભણિયો. ૧ nänammi dansanammi a, charanammi tavammi taha ya viriyammi; äyaranam äyäro, ia eso panchahä bhanio. 1