The Number
IV. With reference to objection regard
ing the composites (FFTAFETT) being numerifive of the cally five, we point out that the number
five as such is really five, but as the other than five itself, i.e. relative to such numbers as four, six or seven, the five is not. Let us take otherwise-the number Five only. Here we have undoubtedly a definite concept. Now the definite concept of five by the fact that it is definite excludes other thoughts and specially the opposite thought. We, the Jains, admit this ; but proceed still further and hold that every definite thought or concept by the fact that it is definite, has a necessary relation to its negative and so cannot be separated from it without losing its own meaning. Five is five as distinguished from eight, nine, ten, or not-seven and so bears essential relation with them. Hence we hold that the composites which are numerically five can thus be, neither more nor fewer than five.
Il V. Then again the seven predicaments, Indes cr i b. they are certainly never absolutely indes
cribable. They are indescribable in the sense