ignorance unaware of itself.
AN EPITOME OF JAINISM the five-fold determinant causes such as Time, External Nature, and the like. Such being the trend of thought and progressive retiocination, the Jain philosophy leaves no room whatsoever for an iron
willed capricious God in the Jain scheme of To posit God is to conceal the universe. The Jains hold that a correct
understanding, according to the teaching of Victors, of the true principles of causality and phenomenology, dispenses with the necessity of any divine interventiom in the affairs of the world. They are of opinion that the very attempt to posit an all-ruling extra-mundane God is to conceal the ignorance of the true principles of causality under a pomp of delusive reasoningsman ignorance unware of itself.
Such a doctrine may indeed strike Laplace and curious and atheistic to the adherents of
the various European schools of Monotheists and to other doctors of Divinity so as to give them a rude shaking. But there is no help to it. Truth must be told. When Laplace, the world-renowned French scientist went to make a formal presentation of his famous work to the world-conquering
Nepoleon on God.