Antaraya Karma stands for that kind of invisible action-currents of injury which flowing under the surface of things secretly hinder the accomplishment of a particular end, the jiva has in view. It differs from other action-currents of injury in this that these work on the jiva in such a manner that it may not feel any inclination to gain Right-knowledge through Right-vision for the purpose of moving in the Right-path leading to the realisation of the end; but the Antaraya Karmas do not destroy this inclination. It only works in such a manner that inspite of the earnest inclination on the part of the jiva to do a certain thing and even in spite of the necessary requisite materials being ready at the elbow, the jiva fails to accomplish the end he has in view.
Now this Antaraya karma divides itself into,
(i) Dânântaraya-is that invisible actioncurrents which works so that a man practically fails to make a gift of anything to any one inspite of his