NIRJARA OR DISSIPATION. trolled as to work out automatically towards the furtherance of the end in view whereas by the Antaranga tapas or Interior or psychi. cal austerities mind is so controlled as to help the jiva in getting an insight into the real nature of things with a view of attaining to a right knowledge thereof and their values as well without which right conduct on the part of the jiva becomes a rarity. And mind and body being found to act and react on each other through the principle of concommittance, the relative importance of both the forms of austerities is quite evident.
Now of the two kinds of tapus, the bâhya, the exterior or the physical consists in the processes of controlling the physical nature of the jiva in six following ways.(1) Anushan Vrata-i.e. the vow of fasting.
Importance of fasting from time to time to give the physical system a rest goes without saying in these days of scientific culture and refinement. It is said in the scripture that fasting purifies the sense-organs and adds to their sensibility so much so that it