Chemists take advantage of the law of Karma
In the processes of integration and disintegration, of combination and decomposition, motion, by overcoming vis inertia, gives tak rise immediately to another kind of arrangement of the atoms of body, that is, to the production of a compound which did not before exist in it. These atoms must be previously possessed of the characteristic power of arranging themselves in a certain order ; else both friction and motion would be without the slight influence and significance.
The characteristic power which the atoms are already previously possessed of, is no other than karmic forces or kinetic energies of the jiva's own making transformed into potential energy, which lies locked-up there as it were only to be released again for its kinetic manifestation in the future play of life ; The chemists very often take advantage of this law of life without knowing what it really is ; for instance, if you wish to form a certain compound that requires a peculiar character or the peculiar karmic-force, to make it what is required? What must you do?.