80. Aguru laghu karma—is the actioncurrent by which the body is made neither heavy nor light.
81. Tirthankara karma-is the actioncurrents which fit the jiva to become a tirthankara in some future incarnation.
82. Nirman karma-is the actioncurrent by which the organs become properly adjusted and placed in their respective positions.
83. Upaghata karma-is the actioncurrent by dint of which the organs do not get adjusted in their respective places to allow a normal functional activity.
84. Tras karma—is the action-current by virtue of which the jiva passing out of the immoveable body like trees and plants etc. take to a moving body which can travel about.
85. Bådara karma—is the action-current helping the jiva in the metamorphosis form an invisible minute body into a big visible body.
86. The paryapta karma—is the action current which enables the jiva to devolop