PAPA, VICE OR SIN. (12) Klesh or Quarrelsomeness-It is a kind
of vice which displays itself by breaking up into pieces the solidari
ty of family-life and national life. (13) Abhya kshyana or False Accusation
This is a kind of slandering by spreading false report against any one so as to lower him in the esti
mation of the public or anyone else. (15) Paisunya or Tale-telling—This is also
a kind of defamation taking the forms of caricatures which the caricaturists often take recourse to by the help of their fertile imagi
nation. (16) Rati and Arati or Joy and Grief- This
consists in being elated with joy at success or being sunken with grief at the loss of anything. Both of these psychological attitudes are considered as vices in as much as they both tell upon the normal equanimity of temper of
the soul. (17) Maya-Mrisa - This is one of the most
acute kind of vice of doing im