16. (ii) Vaikriya upanga karma—means the
set of action-currents which work out the component parts of the vaikriya
surira of the gods and demi-gods. 17. (iii) Ahår aka upånga karma-refers
to the set of action-currents giving forrnation to the component parts of the aharaka body which the saints and sages can evolve out of themselves by the help of the powers they have acquired through severe austerities
and penances they have undergone. It is imperative to note that the other two kinds of bodies—the Kårman and Taijas, have no limbs and organs.
15. BANDHA NAMA KARMA. The word bandhan means binding, connecting. We have seen elsewhere that our body is composed of six parts roughly speaking viz. skeletal, muscular, circulatory, nervous and genito-urinary according to the modern physiologists. These parts not only stand vitally related to one another but there is an organic unity between them. They are joined together by what is called 'connecting tissues' equivelant to 'Sanyojaka tantu'