Psychologi cal difficulties.
Besides the above moral difficulties, there are lots of other psychological difficulties of the gravest character involved in the very philosophy of materialism whereon these de-humanising moral codes are based. To cite only a few of them here, it is admitted on all hands that all phenomena of matter and material energies are modes of motion. But consciousness in and through which soul reveals itself is not a mode of motion, and hence consciousness cannot be a bye-product of matter and material forces. Again, the presence of consciousness does indeed make a great difference to the working of the organism. It is mind that controls the. organism, and life-work could not be the same if conscionsness were to cease to be in it. The monumental works of a genius are produced by a hyperphysical power, infinitely superior to, and higher than the forces accruing from the rushings to and fro and collisions and frictions of the cells, and ganglions,and molecules or other matter, contained in the human skull.
These and similar numberless difficulties are involved in the Materialistic concep