Corroboration from science.
ed with innumerable powers having the potentiality of being developed in various ways and of bringing as well into existence such an infinite variety of their permutations and combinations which will account for the amazing phases and phenomena of Nature. Even modern science has had to acknowledge the truth of this. Chemistry demonstrates beyond doubt that all compound substances owe their existence to the permutations and combinations of the atoms of Hydrozen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon etc.-Heat, light, electricity, hold Physics, are but different arrangements of molecules-in-motion constituting the same. Biology teaches that all organisms-vegitable or animal-are only composed of cells under a variety of their combinations. This is not all. Science dives deep to fathom the amazing mysteries underlying the differences between things chemical, physical or biological; and like a master-surgeon she dissects and analyses Nature and attributes the cause of the mutual differences between things to the said principle of permutation and combination