To begin with therefore, there are only The three three possible hypothesis which can be Hypotheses.
reasonably entertained in regard to the past history of Nature.
The First is the Theory of Self-existence which teaches that the order of Nature which now obtains has always obtained from all eternity.
The Second is the Theory of Evolution or Self-creation according to which the present order of Nature has had but a limited duration but it supposes that the present order of things proceeds by natural processes from an antecedent order and that from another antecedent order and so on thus making way for alternate eras of Evolution and dissolution. And
The Third is the Theory of Special Creation by external agency teaching that nothing comes of itself: That from dull dead matter absolutely bereft of all intelligence, this phenomenal Universe which bespeaks of subtle organisation and most wonderful design cannot spring forth without the intervention of some intelligent cause operating upon the materials whereof Nature is composed.