and favours the growth of the day-lotus, so the Gûrjara--on seeing how He, who made the lives and wealth of relatives prosper, and was favoured by increase of fortune, and before whom warriors desponded, had come near, quickly placing on his bow the arrows aimed at himself-in fear vanished nobody knew whither, so that even in a dream he might not see battle.
(V. 16.) Seeing that the sole way to preserve his fortune was to bow down at His feet, the lord of Malava, versed in policy, bowed to him from afar with folded hands. What wise man, whose power is small, will compete with one powerful ? For that is the prime result of the rules of policy, to know the superiority in srength of oneself and one's adversary.
(V. 17.) Having heard through his spies that his camp was pitched on the ridges of the Vindhya mountain, and apprehending that He was moving towards his own country like the comet) Dhruva, king Mårdsarva, driven by fear, quickly went to conciliate his mind by choice heir-looms, such as He had never received before, and his feet by prostrations.
(V. 18.) Having passed the rainy season, when the sky is densely covered with thick clouds, at Sribhavana, He thence went with his forces to the banks of the Tungabhadrâ; and staying there, He, strange (to say), even by flinging it away, again completely drew to himself the fortune of the Pallaves though it was already in his hand-his enemies having submitted.
(V. 19.) Thither the lord of Vêngi repaired when the king's) letter-carrier had only half uttered the command, and longing for his own comfort, steadily like a servant without ceasing did such toil that the enclosure constructed thereby for His camp, touching the summit of the sky, at night seemed to assume a garland of pearls, surrounded as it was by the groups of stars above it.
(V. 20.) With their heads embellished by their hands folded then for the first time to render
1 The word sannakshatra represents both san (i.e. sat) + nakshatra and sanna + kshatra; compare Vds. p.28, Trilarkurwita nakshatrapatha-skholitaḥ, where nakshatrapatha- is both nakshatra-patha- and na kshatra. patha.. San-nakshatra would of course be equivalent to vidyamána-nakshatra ; and sanna-kshatra would have to be dissolved by sarnar kabatrai yena, and might also be translated by "be by whom warriors were humbled, or destroyed ;' compare with it sauna.fatrw in the Raghwania, VII. 61.
Compare the Brihatsanhita, XI. 42, Prof. Kern's Translation in Jour. Roy. 41. 800., New Series, Vol. V. p. 71: "But the princes on whose warlike equipments, the countries on whose dwellings, trees, and bills, and the housebolders on whose implementa this luminary (riz, the comet Dhruva) is seen, are doomed to destruction."
• In the Sanskpit text the Present Participle is accounted for by Påņini, III. 2, 126.
• The strangeness in the first place lies in the fact that he drew to himself something by Ainging it away (vikshepa); and secondly in the circumstance that this thing which he drew to bimself already was in his hand (kara). His action ceases to be strange as soon as we take the words vikahépa and kara to mean raid ' and
tribute :'-' He by his raids completely drew to himself the fortune of the Pallayas which was tributary to bim' (or, as we should say, who were his tributaries).-On vitshepa see the note on v. 14. The double meaning of kara is most common; compare ag. Kad. p. 10, akaram api hastasthita-sakalabhupanatalar, although he had no hands, the whole extent of the earth was in bia hand,' i... the whole extent of the earth wm in bis band and be took no tribute from it."
For the use of the word odhyalt (or bdhy all) which I have translated by comp.' I only can refer the reader to the passegon quoted in von Böhtlingk's Dictionary. The word occurs in the Rdjatarangin (Dr. Stein's edition), VII. 392; 976; 986; and VIII. 46. Aina-ndhyals we have in line 11 of the Uttamacharitra. kathanakam (Sitzung aberichte der Kgl. Preuss. Ak. der Win. 1884, Part I. P 276), meaning something like
stabling for horsen,' or 'horse-barracks ;' and its synonym (though explained differently by the commentator in the Nirnayn-sagar Press ed.) turanga-tdhydIt occurs in Kdd. p. 75, 1. 1, sparachita-turangardhydlf-vibhagam ... vidyd-mandiram.
Pearls and stars are frequently compared with ench other; but while as a rule the stars are the wpadna and pearls the wpandya, bere the reverse is the case (ciparydabpamd). Tbe stars wbicb the enclosure seemed to wear on its creat were like a pearl-garland. Compare Vás. p. 85, muktaphala.sabalitafikharalayd firb-lagnata tard-ganam irmádpares; ibid. p. 220, fikharagata-muktájala.eydjdns ... tard-ganam ipadvahadbhih... prdaddair-wpaíobitam... Vdaaradatid-bhavanam.
II.e. they never before had rendered obeisance to any king. For the use of tatparea compare - I take this quotation from the St. Petersburg Dictionary - Raghavania, II. 43, ishw.pray 6g8 tatparva-sangd, in the discharge of the arrow which discharge) then for the first time was checked;' and Kumdrasambhava, V. 10, atpirta-sidaddha, 'then for the first time tied on.'