Gnani Purush gives You the Self-realization; whereas in the worldly religion (vyavahar dharma) one has to practice the religion and learn it. There Is Nothing but Bliss When the Self Is
Attained Questioner: What is that thing that applies to both religion and the worldly life, and gives happiness?
Dadashri: If a person comes to me (Dada) and attains Gnan (knowledge of the Self), he will experience happiness in everything. And if a person has obstacles (antaray) and does not want to take Gnan from me, he will still experience happiness if he asks me everything and understands how the worldly life (sansar) runs, and what it is all about.
In true religion (dharma) there is always resolution (samadhan). In relative religion, there is some degree of resolution and some degree of unsolved issues, it is the first step. Then one enters the real religion, where there must be resolution (samadhan) in every circumstance. Only if you have resolution (samadhan), can you have peace, right?
What do all the living beings (jivas) search for? They are looking for happiness, but the happiness is short-lived. People go out to weddings and to the theater for entertainment, but their misery returns to them again. When unhappiness follows happiness, how can you call it happiness? It is the happiness of murchha (unconscious infatuation). Happiness should be permanent. This is nothing but temporary happiness; an imaginary happiness. What is every soul (atma) searching for? It is looking for happiness; happiness that is eternal. People believe, 'It (happiness) will come from this or it will come from that. I will buy this. I will do that, I will build a bungalow, then I will be happy, I will buy a car, then I will be happy.' They keep on doing this but no happiness comes their way. On the contrary,