the child is born, he distributes sweets to everyone. But when the child dies, he blames God. A true devotee will leave everything to the God. He will say to God, “Lord, why should I worry? It is Your reputation that is at stake here.” Such devotion is very rare to find.
One “realizes the “relative and another “realizes' the real'. What happens when devotees claim to have had the direct experience of the Lord? They ‘see' within them the image of the flute-playing Lord Krishna. They have brought with them from their past life, such spiritual energies (siddhis).
If he came to me, I would tell him, “What you see is the image (drashya), and you are the Seer (Drashta). The Krishna you see playing the flute, is not the real Krishna. That is the image (drashya) and the one who sees the image is the real Krishna, which is You yourself. This is just the vision (drashti) that has fallen on the image (drashya). When the vision (drashti) falls on the Seer (Drashta), then the goal can be accomplished.”
Even the devotees have not attained this goal. They too yearn for this. Once there is a goal (dhyeya), only then can one become dhyata (the Self), but to understand the nature of the goal, one needs a guru.
What did Narsinh Mehta sing? “Jaha lagi Atma tattva chinhyo nahi; tyahaa lagi
sadhana sarva joothi.' 'Until one attains the Atma (Self); the entire search is
in vain.' Worship: From the Gross to the Subtlest
Questioner: Scriptures of every religion place great importance on name (naam), and the chanting of names. Why is that significant?